Council Members

The Vehicle Theft Prevention Council consists of thirteen members appointed by the Governor. The Council includes representatives of law enforcement, prosecutors’ offices, automobile insurers, state government and the general public.

​Ex Officio Members ​Agency
Colonel Roland L. Butler, Jr.
​Acting Secretary, Department of State Police, Chair
​Vincent Schiraldi
​Secretary, Department of Juvenile Services
Carolyn J. Scruggs
​Secretary, Department of Public Safety & Correctional Services
Christine Nizer ​Administrator, Motor Vehicle Administration
​Regular Members ​Agency
​James V Aluisi ​Community Representative, Anne Arundel County
​Neil Schachter ​Community Representative, Baltimore County/ Baltimore City
​Marjorie (Missy) Coyne
​National Insurance Crime Bureau (NCIB)
​Victor E. Epps​ ​Nationwide Insurance Company, Foreign Insurance Carrier Representative
​Hon. Scott Shellenberger ​State's Attorney for Baltimore County
Martin A. Hammond III ​Representative, Office of the Governor
​Phillip V. Lee Community Representative, Prince George's County
Larry E. Hinton ​Government Employees Insurance Company (GEICO)
​Chief Harvey Baker
University Park Police Department​
​Council Staff Members ​Role
​Christopher T. McDonold ​Executive Director
Elena Russo​
Director, Dept. of State Police Office of Media Communications​
Ron Snyder​
Deputy Director, Dept. of State Police Office of Media Communications​

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The Maryland General Assembly’s Office of Legislative Audits operates a toll-free fraud hotline to receive allegations of fraud and/or abuse of State government resources. Information reported to the hotline in the past has helped to eliminate certain fraudulent activities and protect State resources.

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